Sunday the 21st of February is International Mother Language Day, so let’s all celebrate the diversity of human speech and expression together!
Languages are an integral aspect of culture, identity, communication, and social integration, but sadly many are at risk of being forgotten. In a multicultural society, we can create deeper bonds if we honour each other’s mother tongue.
We at Here & Now 365 – defining multicultural marketing, speak the language of diversity to connect you with multicultural communities so that brands and society can create deep and authentic communication.
#MulticulturalBritain #Facts – More than 4.2 million people in the UK report having a different main language other than English and over 20% of primary school children use English as an additional language (Source Census 2011).
#MulticulturalBritain #Facts – The Bangladeshi community celebrates this day as a day of national importance and UNESCO has dedicated this day as a tribute to their struggle to attain linguistic independence.