Lebara Half-price Data: Our Latest Double Decker Ad Campaign
Lebara commissioned Here and Now 365 to spread the word on their new data offer: a market-cracking 1 GB data pass for a fiver! It expires in July, so the sooner you check it out the cheaper your mobile net will be.
The super side we designed is on buses across the capital. Here it is at Oxford Circus.
After years of experience with one of our most valued clients, we know that the best short notice method to get messages out to Lebara’s target group is sticking them to London’s trademark red buses. Which we did, and we were lucky enough to have caught these snaps of it under the shining sun.
The same ad from a different angle
Lebara is a success story of international telecommunications, and the fastest-growing virtual mobile network operator in Europe. Its core customer base is made up of expats and first or second generation migrants who have strong links with other countries.
By branching out into affordable data packages, the company shows it’s gaining traction on the highly competitive domestic data market while maintaining a leading position on cheap calls overseas.
Combining the convenience of pay-as-you go SIM cards with the cost effectiveness of a £5 data package, this offer proves mobile internet has spread far beyond contract options, becoming an affordable necessity for all smartphone users.